Are Masks Harmful or Helpful? FACT CHECK

People are understandably frustrated by the need to wear masks.

So, are masks helpful in slowing down the spread of COVID-19 and, two, can wearing a mask actually harm you, as some have claimed in rumors making the rounds online?

The answers are simple.

  •       YES, masks are helpful (even essential) in containing the spread of the virus.
  •       NO, masks are not going to harm you, even though they are inconvenient and annoying.  Rumors of carbon dioxide poisoning, or masks shift the pH levels in the bloodstream, or causing hypercapnia are just that – rumors, totally false and completely (and repeatedly) debunked.

Masks are most helpful at slowing the spread of the virus when worn by infected people.  However, because of limited testing and the prevalence of spreaders who are asymptomatic, it is in everyone’s best interest to wear a mask, whether or not they display symptoms.

The effectiveness of your mask depends on the type of mask and whether you are wearing it correctly.  Cloth masks with disposable filters are a good option; higher-quality masks should be reserved for people at high risk of infection and for workers in high-risk jobs, such as in medical facilities.  A new study indicates that masks may cut the risk of infection by more than two-thirds. Read more about the study here.

Wearing masks and social distancing are the best practices currently available for slowing the spread of the virus.  Wearing masks will help everyone, in states that are locked down, opening up and already open.  It is for you, your friends, your family, your loved ones and your co-workers as we continue the effort to save lives and stop COVID-19.

Yours in Strength,

The Take Back Control Team

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